Wednesday 30 January 2008

Pass the tissues please!!

Ok, I felt totally crap all day Monday suffering from the worlds worst hangover and then by Monday night I started with the dreaded sore throat, it is only a month ago since I last had this so I really didn't think I have got it again, I haven't been near anyone with cold so where it has come from I don't know, well by 10pm my nose was streaming and has continued to do so for the last couple of days.

I got to work this morning did what needed doing and by 11am one of the girls said to me why don't you go home, now I hate being off sick but I do work in an office with five other people so I can understand why she wanted me out of there in more ways than one.

I always have a busy day on a Thursday so I need to be fit for tomorrow.

I have had a couple of chats with J but not sure if he floats my boat or not, might have to brave a night out with him and see how it goes.

Now the next thing I have is a little dilemma well a big one really, I have a car which is 6 years old and I have had it for 5, it has served me very well and is mine bought and paid for, I know I can't say that about much but she us all mine.

You may remember my exhaust dropping off last year, well I got it repaired but with a non genuine part, now my car is a little sensitive and it doesn't like the cat on the new exhaust and keeps tripping the engine management light on to let me know.

Every time I have to take it in to find out why it is on it costs me £40 quid plus, now some may think ignore it, but the one time I ignore it it maybe be something more sinister.

If I replace the cat with a genuine one it will cost me over £500 and due to the fact nothing much has gone wrong with it since I have had it I am a little worried about sending good money after bad.

Now the options open to me are, get the car repaired at whatever the cost or sell it privately without letting on the problem with the cat, the latter doesn't sit well with me but if I sell it sold as seen and hope the engine management light doesn't come on in the meantime I might get away with it.

The other problem I have though is I need a car for work because I go all over to meetings but what do I replace mine with, I can't afford to spend anymore than I would get for mine on another so is it again better the devil you know.

I suppose I could have a look round for something a little bit older which has had all it's auxiliaries replaced before all mine go one by one.

Advice and assistance would be very much appreciated..., also Vi if you have got that webby addy Middy sent you to sell yours...xx


IT Barman said...

Have you tried taking it to a different garage?

I would suggest keeping the car but use a different garage to fit the part and buy the part yourself (you should have the part number on an old invoce)

Just a thought

Elaine Denning said...

Option 1. Sell the car and buy a motorbike. No more hefty insurance and tax - and you get to wear leathers :)

Option 2. Find yourself a shaggable mechanic :)

Option 3. What IT Barman says!

Option 4. Wait for someone else to comment who knows more than I do! x

Option 3.

A Lighter Life... said...

Awwww, Emma,

I really wish that I knew what to suggest, but in truth, I DON'T!

I must say though, I DO like *Miss Understood's* 2nd option, LOL.

Seriously though, maybe take it to another garage and see what they suggest before making up your mind?

More bad luck that you don't ned right now....


LL x

Wild Cat said...

*waves* nice to be here x

Dark Side said...

IT - I have a very good mechanic it's just the price of the part, I have just put it out to one of the parts search engines so we will see what comes back..xx

Miss - Option 2, G is a shagable

LL - I know lots of mechanics it just has to be a genuine part it doesn't like the non genuine

Welcome Catz....xx

Vi said...

Actually, I do have it, they wouldn't accept mine, cause it was too old. Yours on the other hand, will. At least they'll give you a quote so you know how much you'll get for it. I will forward it on.

Dark Side said...

Vi - Thanks, I have just received some quotes for parts so I might look at that angle instead..xx