Thursday 6 September 2007

Life Changes

Well what can I say, what a bizare last couple of weeks I have had, it started with Tony being a complete insecure arsehole all of the bank holiday weekend, not sure what happened to him but he certainly very quickly turned into someone I didn't recognise.

As most of you are aware I am a very independant person and I am not one for spending every waking minute with one person, I have a lot of really good friends and will not cut them off for anyone.

They have been with me while I have been through so much.

It started with the Saturday night and not being able to track him down on the Sunday morning, so much for me worrying about him, he had stayed out all night at a mates and his phone had run out of life.

The plan was made to go out on the Sunday but he didn't get out of bed until 7pm so I had already made arrangements, like I said I don't wait around for anyone.

When we got out on the Sunday night he was out and couldn't even really be bothered to speak to me so I left him to it. Without going into too much detail we had a big row later on in the night when he accused me of being too After thinking this through I actually believe it's him that is insecure not me.

Anyway you will remember that I chose Tony over someone else I think without looking through he was Mr M oh well last Sunday night I spoke to Mr M and had a long chat and explained to him what had happened with Tony and he was hurt and upset but pleased because I had been honest.

I suppose the upshot of this is I have found someone who I didn't really appreciate before Tony because he was so sincere and even though we said we weren't going to get back together we have spent Sunday and Monday with each other.

I am not sure still if it's what I want but the sex was surprisingly know when you look at someone and imagine what it would be like with them? well he is a really nice guy and I don't really do nice I like a bit of excitement and I wouldn't have given him the credit beforehand to peform like he did.......what a pleasant surprise he was, I was starting have doubts about Tony as far as sex was concerned as he was into things I am definitely not and have no interest in, and also doesn't do the one thing that I love, (work out for yourselves.....) Vi will know what I mean I am sure, well Mr M did and did again and was very good indeed. Ok I am a whore I want could just be a FB which is something I wouldn't have imagined in a million years.

Lets just see, he is coming home at the weekend instead of staying away working like he usually does so I will put him to the test again.....


Vi said...

You busy girl you!

You KNOW what I'm gonna say...

GO FOR MR M!!!!!!!!

Kick Tony to the kerb.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Mr M, especially if he obliges in the bedroom department…. Sod the other one sounds like he was out for his own fun and wanted to control you a tad too much!

Elaine Denning said...

Ok....this is NOT good enough! I need you to spell it out for me. What did he do?
God...the suspense is killing me!
And what did T like doing which you didn't?

Hey...they don't call me a nosey bitch for nothin' ya know!