Wednesday 15 August 2007

Low Day!!

Having a very low day today and I can't put my finger on what is causing it, it's really wierd and I feel like I have that out of my control feeling again.

I had to escape from work today to go and have five minutes because I wasn't coping at all.

I think it is probably such a shock because I have been great for the last four months and suddenly I am feeling like this and don't know what has brought it on.

I have examined everything going on in my life and there is really no reason for me to feel like this.

Had a brilliant weekend with so much booze I thought I was going to burst, maybe that's it after the Lord Major's Parade kind if feeling.

Tony is being as attentive as he was last week and he has a lot on his mind, don't get me wrong he has shared it with me but I can't help worrying about him and whats going on.

I suppose I am getting a little nervous and thinking things where too good to be true but I have to stop trying to analyze every little thing and just go with the flow.

Work is manic but we have a new boss and I seem to have got off on a good footing with him but we will see, he does have some good ideas though and has agreed with all my own ideas up to now which is a good start.

Tony has the kids again this weekend and the following week and I am kind of looking forward to seeing them again, another wierd feeling for me to cope with, maybe things are moving too fast, who knows??

Ex Mr A is headworking also which isn't going down well with either me or Tony, probably Tony more than me if I am honest, I am quite blaise about it all because I really aren't interested, all Tony can see is that he will be around when he isn't at the weekend.

Need to put this one to bed though once and for all, if I see him he will really get what for from me but if Tony gets to him first I fear the

On a plus side today though I spoke to two managers about how I was feeling and both where great, one of them has just texted me to ask if I am ok again now.

It is good to actually have someone to talk to at work so hopefully I won't start to slide down the slippery slope again.

Sorry if this is a bit low but I do share everything with you all, warts and all


PC South West said...

I have to be honest if I were to have a boozey weekend I would be having a downer shortly after.
Have an early night and you will feel ok tomorrow.

Vi said...

We all get days like that, and yeah it's probably a downer from the booze. I get like that. You'll be fine mate, just a whore's drawers day!

Evening said...

This is where you should let it out, warts and all. And let us be here for you.
Sending you hugs.

Dark Side said...

Thanks all of you, I do appreciate

SIMON said...

Put it down to the booze emma!
You'll feel better when you've shouted and screamed at all of us! It's what we are here for!

Take it easy friend