Tuesday 24 April 2007

Job Interview Tomorrow

Ok, not sure how I bluffed this one but believe you me there is a lot more bluffing to do tomorrow.

After 8 weeks of counselling I have now established that the route of my depression is actually work related.

Without naming names I work for a very large financial services provider in a very presurised selling environment based on hitting targets, which in all honesty can't be achieved without disturbing the work/life balance considerably.

With working for a large company everything has to be written up and double written up in evidence of everything you do. I have always been a practical person, prefer to get things done then to spout off to everyone around I have done it.

I have also been awaiting a regrade in my present position for the last year that has been put back and put back until I have become totally disheartened by the whole thing, there is only so much rejection I can take without becoming unprofessional.

The annoying part of it is I am capable of so much more but they won't recognise it without reams and reams of reports to back it up.

I applied for this job totally on the spur of the moment, in fact I didn't apply for the job they are interviewing me for I applied for a lower down scale job and after seeing my CV (must be good at putting something in writing) they offered me an interview for the Department Manager's job instead.

I have received the job description tonight for which I tick all the boxes and more, I have done quite a bit of research tonight on the company involved and also completed a new SWOT analysis on myself and wrote out how I am going to inform them I have been off sick.

I chose not to tell the agency who are sending me for fear that the company concerned would not even consider me for a job I am very capable of doing, I chose to try and get the interviewer onside by testing my own people skills to the full.

I could not even bring it up at all but I know I have to be honest with him as I do with myself, it will be quite wierd discussing this with a total stranger which is as much a test for me as anything else.

For any of you out there that do pass my way by chance this job is in the caring industry which I find quite ironic after a previous post on here.

Oh well please wish me luck and hope that I at least get the interview after I have disclosed my dirty little secret....

I will update you tomorrow when I return either way..


Elaine Denning said...

Good luck Emma.....hope it goes well for you.

I've just read all of your archives and am amazed at how many similarities there are between us. I have been EXACTLY where you are now...in fact I am still battling it to some extent, and it's been 2 years. (I blame myself for that, for not dealing with it sooner and burying my head in the sand.)

I gave up a management position I wasn't happy in...but I still don't know what I want to do with myself!

If you ever want a chat about anything, feel free to email me. x

Anonymous said...

Wishing you lots of luck for your job interview... :)

Dark Side said...

Miss U

Thanks for your lovely comments I will update you later on how it went. I have emailed you also.



Thanks for your comments they are much appreciated.
