Saturday 31 March 2007


Had a very restless day today, no sooner had I gone out then I wanted to come home again to the safe place.

I did manage to be out for most of the afternoon but it was very uncomfortable and I was so much more aware of the people around me, everyone's eyes seemed to be on me again and it is so nerve wracking.

I finally made the call to the docs the other day that I have put off since one of the receptionists was shitty with me the other week, this is not me, I have never been afraid of confrontation but somehow that receptionist had put me off ever ringing again, I got quite upset on the phone and I was only requesting an appointment. Thankfully the receptionist I dealt with then was lovely and seemed to have all the patience in the world.

I have had to agree for work to request my medical records today after their official visit earlier in the week, my obvious reaction to that is I didn't look convincing enough for them but it is probably just a company policy thing that I wasn't aware of, every little thing appears so massive at the moment and I seem to always think the worst. I probably was ok when they came to see me because I am in my safe place, if I had had to go into work instead I would have been very different.

It is getting closer and closer to my weekend away and after today's escapades I am still not convinced I can do this, we are going to far to come back home again the same day so I will not make my mind up on that one until nearer the time.

Oh well another social event tomorrow so we will see how that goes.....


Unknown said...

Hi Emma,
Just wanted to say I do know how you feel and wish you all the best. Have you tried to write any poetry?

Dark Side said...

Thanks for your kind words and I have tried writing poetry one day I may post some of it, thanks again x